Bole - The main trunk of a tree
Bolt - A short log or a squared timber cut from a log.
Buck - To saw felled trees into shorter lengths.
Burl - A tree growth in which the grain has grown in a deformed manner.
Butt - The base of a tree or the lower end of a log.
Cant - A portion of a log sawed on all four sides
Conifer - A tree belonging to the evergreen family.
Cord - A stack of wood that measures 4 feet high by 4 feet wide by 8 feet long.
Cull - A tree or log that has no market value because of rot or too many branches.
Deciduous Tree - A tree that looses its leaves in Autumn.
Flitch - A portion of a log that has a defect.
Grading lumber - Sorting lumber according to quality and value.
Hardwood - A term used to describe the wood from deciduous trees.
Kerf - The width of a cut made by a saw.
Knot - The part of the branch that has become the body of the tree stem.
Marking - Selecting the cuts of a log.
Seasoning - The process of drying lumber.
Veneer - A thin sheet of nice wood used for covering plywood1.
1Glossary of Forestry terms are from Wood-Mizer 062597
M.Y. Custom Log Cutting
Spring/Summer Hours
8:00 am to 5:30 pm
Fall/Winter Hours
8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Sunday Hours
By Appointment Only
3723 Curly Hill Road,
Doylestown, PA 18902
© Copyright M.Y. Custom Log Cutting